Sunday, March 1, 2015

"The Curse of Macbeth"

The Curse of Macbeth
When Macbeth was premiering for the first time one of the cast members got sick and died right before going on so Shakespeare filled in for him. King James didn't allow the play to go on for several years. The role of Lady Macbeth was a bad role to take on. Those who played Lady Macbeth often got chased out of theaters, and fell fifteen feet off of the stage. In 1942 three actors died and a costume designer killed himself after the play's premiere. Actress's don't like to say the title "Macbeth" unless it is during the play itself or rehearsal. They would rather refer to the play as "The Scottish Play." If an actress does say "Macbeth" by accident there are several ways to "rid the bad luck." There are old tales stating that witches that watched the plays put spells on all future productions of Macbeth because it angered them.

<Macgowan, Doug. "The Macbeth Curse - Historic Mysteries." Historic Mysteries. N.p., 19 May 2012. Web. 25 Feb. 2015.>

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