Sunday, March 1, 2015

My love/hate relationship with Shakespeare.

Throughout high school we have read many plays written by Shakespeare and I never liked them. I didn't like it because I could not understand what Shakespeare was writing. I would end up reading the No Fear Shakespeare. I also thought it was boring to read. When we started reading Macbeth I was like alright Mari just try to pay attention and try to understand what is going on. I knew we were going to be quizzed over the reading so I had no choice but to pay attention. I was bored with the reading, but then it was interesting when we would take what Shakespeare was saying and put it in a more simple writing. I liked analyzing what he was saying and finding out the true meaning of his writing. It was cool finding out how he would tie certain aspects to other historical events and kings. Shakespeare uses unrhymed iambic pentameter in his writing to show a stressed kind of talking and then the witches usually chant or talk like if they are reciting a song.


  1. I don't like Shakespeare either but the story was interesting when put in a more simple writing. Good Description :)

  2. Yeah I've never really liked Shakespeare either but I've learned to understand it and just get through it to keep my English grade up.

  3. @Enrique same I only do it for the grade.
