Sunday, March 1, 2015

King James

In Google I put 'King James' and images of Lebron James came up and I thought it was pretty funny.
Anyways, King James became King of Scotland when he was only one years old. Then he inherited the throne of England. He married Anne of Denmark and they had eight children but only three lived beyond their early childhood. Shakespeare started writing Macbeth around the same time period of when King James took over the throne of Scotland. The story of Macbeth contains many reflections of James' interests: the family tree of Scottish royalty, the issue of "just" kingship, the threat of regicide, and witchcraft. Shakespeare addresses his monarch's interest in ancestry by including a scene in which the witches conjure an image of King James's ascent to the throne through a family tree traced back to Banquo. King James was very interested in witch craft so that is why Macbeth includes the three witches. King James had wrote Daemonologie which talked about all of the witch craft and witch trials that were going on.

<King James I." King James I. Great Site Marketing, n.d. Web. 01 Mar. 2015.>


  1. Your witty personality radiates throughout this segment on King James. You know how to balance humor with factual information.

  2. That's terrible how only 3 of his 8 children lived, and also awful that you brought a fictional character like Lebron James into this blog. Not impressed.

    1. Because Lebron James is definitively fictional.

  3. @Mactoon (Justin) I don't appreciate you calling my comparison of Lebron and King James awful.
