Wednesday, February 25, 2015

The Murder of Duncan- Act 2 Scene 1

Lady Macbeth has to convince Macbeth to murder Duncan. She develops  a plan to set up the two servants to make it seem like they were the ones who committed the murder. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth thought that if they used the servants daggers and covered them with blood, people would believe they were the one's responsible for Duncan's murder.

In scene 1 of act 2 when Macbeth is walking to Duncan's room to murder him he walks "with Tarquin's ravishing strides." Shakespeare refers to Tarquin in several of his plays and poems. The plays where Shakespeare refers to Tarquin include Macbeth, Titus Andronics, Cymbeline, and The Rape of Lucrece. Tarquin was a Roman prince who sneaked into a roman woman's bedroom and raped her. Since Macbeth is sneaking in the middle of the night to go commit a crime is why it is relevant to compare him to Tarquin. The ringing of the bell is what makes Macbeth go through with the murder.

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